Parenthood: Indications of Toxic Parenting
- by Maryam
Having children is entirely a new adventure.
Even though parenting is the most crucial role one can play in their life, it has its challenges.
The fear of becoming terrible parents to children is one of the main worries in parenting.
Despite your best efforts to be the best parents a child could ask for, toxic parenting techniques can find their way into your daily routine, no matter how noble your intentions may be.
We’ve highlighted poor parenting behaviors in this blog.
As a result, you can identify them and stop the cycle before it harms your relationship with your child.
What is poor parenting?
There are two ways to describe a toxic parent:
- The basic definition-
- Failing to keep track of the child’s behavior.
- The failure to recognize the child’s abnormal behavior.
- The severity of the punishment for disrespectful behavior.
2. Comprehensive definition:
Poor parenting occurs when parents put their interests ahead of their children’s needs. Additionally, they also make choices that will benefit their interests.
Said that- being well-liked by your child is not a prerequisite for being regarded as a good parent.
Finding the ideal balance and bringing up the child with the correct values and morals are both essential components of good parenting.
Being a parent is an exceptionally demanding job because you lack both; prior experience and there are no parental qualifications. It’s a role where you progress, grow and learn while enduring parenthood.
There is a reasonable chance that you will make serious errors as a parent because you cannot always be correct.
However, if these poor parenting choices are not fixed right away, it could have a consequence on the child’s upbringing.
Perhaps, it may also have rather serious, long-lasting effects on your child, impacts that will trickle down to their families.
Typically, children grow up imitating their parents in some way. Thus, establishing the right set of examples for them can be very significant. Each small interaction; whether it is- through your words, your actions, the love you show them, or the way you hold them responsible for their mistakes- shapes them into the person they become as they mature.
No parent ever intends something unfortunate for their child. However, unknowingly acquiring harmful habits can have a negative effect on a child’s mental health. As a result, one should always watch for indications of unhealthy parenting. And revise their actions in time to become the best parents.
A child shouldn’t ever believe that they have to work for their parent’s love and attention.
14 Indications of Toxic Parenting:
1. You have poor communication skills with your kid.

In other words, it implies that you talk at your child rather than to them. Building relationship requires effective communication. Communication can be challenging.
Initially, a child understands at the level of their age. Eventually, as they grow up, they form their own perspectives and opinions.
Nonetheless, toxic parents often talk over their kids rather than listen to them in order to get their point across.
As a parent, if you find yourself in this situation, keep quiet and pay attention to what they have to say. It is imperative that you pay close attention. Hence, your child cooperates with you if they feel heard.
2. Getting distracted by pessimism
The tendency to get carried away by thought is human.
Moreover, when it comes to bad parents, their actions can cause adverse reactions in their kids. Instead of merely the child’s behavior, negative thinking makes everything worse.
What you say to your child can influence the way they feel about themselves and the world around them. You can significantly alter how you interact with your child. For instance, switching from saying things like “You are acting so whiney” to ” Is everything alright? Do you want to talk?”
3. Incapable of controlling your own emotions
Parenting can often be stressful and frustrating sometimes, but finding these trigger points can be a lifesaver.
Therefore, you will be surprised at how well your child is cooperating and improving their behavior when you learn to channel your parental frustration and manage to keep it out of the situation.
It could simply mean making extra efforts and preparing ahead of time, which would reduce the source of frustration by HALF!
4. Disregarding the friends of your child
A crucial component of life is friendship, which may involve occasionally having your child’s friends over or even having your child visit them. It is customary.
Yet, criticizing your child’s friends, on the other hand, is not acceptable and indicates toxic parenting.
You are criticizing your child if you criticize their friends. Instead, it is essential to comprehend and value their friendship.
5. Labeling your child is a widespread pattern.
One of the most prevalent examples of poor parenting is when parents mistakenly attribute bad behavior to the child.
In other words, a toxic parent sees no distinction between the child’s bad behavior and the child; they label the junior as a “bad child.”
Parents are on duty around-the-clock, so they don’t have time to sit and think.
And because of this frustrating circumstance, feelings can become jumbled, which causes parents to hurl out toxic labels like “lazy,” “selfish,” “troublemaker,” etc.
These harsh words create a negative frame and lock your child into this identity. Possibly, putting a child in this situation is the worst thing a parent can do.
With such labels, a child will only experience negative emotions like hurt and rage. And it will be a clear reflection of their bad behavior. You must approach every situation with optimism; if you want to make a positive difference in your child’s life.
6. Not admiring your child’s individuality.
Toxic parents frequently compare their children to other siblings, cousins, or even unrelated people in the hopes that their children will replicate that person’s behavior.
A parent is the best person to understand that no two children are alike. Your relationship with your child will develop more quickly the sooner you accept this fact.
Comparing your child to others will only damage their motivation and lower their self-worth. Maybe you should value your child’s uniqueness instead and let them succeed by being themselves!
7. The careless usage of language.
Speaking to your children using phrases like “you this,” “you never,” and “you always” is another example of weak parenting. Indeed, words have the power to make or break a connection between individuals. Being careless with the language can only lead the relationship towards destruction. The usage of globalised terms serves no positive purpose.
As Horace quotes, “A word once uttered can never be recalled.”
A careless style of speech can form a long-term negative impact on the child.
8. Underestimating yourself in front of your child
As previously stated, children imitate their parents, and they grow up adopting similar behaviors and thinking processes.
For example, if you devalue yourself in front of your child, your child will do the same. Instead, encouraging self-care and self-love in your child will help them gain self-esteem and confidence.
9. You lose sight of your role.
Parents should remain parents. What? Yes! It is prominent to have friendly communication and to be approachable as parents, allowing your child to speak freely.
However, as parents, you must set limits and refrain from attempting to be their best friend. Conceivably, this could alter the entire dynamic of a parent-child relationship! And, undoubtedly one should avoid this unhealthy and toxic behavior.
10. You prevent them from standing on their own two feet.
It is both a proud moment of realization and a little sad to see your children grow up so quickly.
On the other hand, toxic parenting means they become overly possessive and overly caring, obscuring the child’s growth.
Spoon-feeding and spoiling your child will make them feel at ease with their lifestyle. Typically this is most common in single-child families.
Your overprotectiveness would prevent them from believing they are capable of being independent and would prevent them from developing the skills required to face the world.
Furthermore, it would have a negative ripple effect, such as them being overly reliant on you for everything and having a laid-back approach to life.
11. Being overly sentimental about everything
Parenthood, as previously stated, is a learning experience.
The addition of a second child does not imply that you have mastered the skill of parenting—of course, you have more experience, but each time it is a unique adventure.
Similarly, allow your children to make mistakes and learn from them.
Every interaction with your child should be centered around optimism.
Perhaps, if not, with the continued negativity, the child will also lose control and cross boundaries by saying things like, “I hate you,” “you are the worst parent ever,” “you don’t mean anything,” etc. In a rush, one might say something like this.
On the other hand, toxic parents tend to hold onto these remarks and engage in irrational behavior with their children.
The consequences of harboring resentment of your child’s behavior will only get worse over time.
If you find yourself in the same situation, remove yourself by consulting a therapist. It can be hard to hear things like this when you are trying to make a better life for your child.
However, these issues must be addressed thoughtfully and deliberately.
12. Having a constant need to be right
There may be instances where opinions diverge.
And as parents, you might need to think twice and take a back seat so that; your adolescent can make their own decisions.
Bad parents, however, fail to do so. And as a result, they demand and expect their kids to always concur with them.
Indeed, the most dangerous way to harm your child’s mind is to silence their voice.
13. Violating a child’s personal space
Parents who are toxic tend to be overly suspicious and constantly watch their kids.
For instance, while they are away, look through their notes and diary or even compel them into sharing information they are not yet ready to share.
Parents frequently feel as if their children are slipping through their fingers, and they believe that they must know everything.
This unhealthy behavior provokes the child, and they resort to telling lies as an escape.
Perhaps a great parent recognizes the value of giving their children their own space and privacy.
14. Children are viewed as an extension.
Parents’ failure to recognize their children as unique, independent beings is one of the most harmful behaviors that goes unnoticed.
An excellent illustration of this is when parents believe that by raising their children, they can achieve their unfulfilled dreams and accomplish their goals.
Children may feel choked in such a stressful environment.
Providing their children with the freedom to explore and select their passion signifies healthy parenting! Further, by encouraging and supporting them in their endeavors!
Parenting is challenging, but it is not impossible!
You don’t have to be the world’s perfect parent—there is no such thing.
However, you must strive to be the best parents possible for your children. What you demonstrate and practice today will be passed on to your children’s children.
Similar to how misbehavior doesn’t make your child a bad child, your mistakes also don’t turn you into a toxic parent.
However, in order to have fulfilling and healthy parenthood, you must continuously check your responsibilities and break any unhealthy habits.