Is preschool compulsory in Singapore?

Importance of Preschool Education

The importance of preschool education is a vital learning curve for a child, preparing them to embark on the academic

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Parenting Style Types in Singapore

Parenting Style Types in Singapore | Psychology Guide

In the early years of life—often referred to as the developing years—parents play a significantly important role and influence behaviour.

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Cold Mother Syndrome

How To Deal With Cold Mother Syndrome

Every newborn baby has an essence of beauty and the power to attract anyone around them. However, mothers who are

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Practical And Proven Parenting Tips For Dads

Practical And Proven Parenting Tips For Dads | Fatherhood Guide

There isn’t any doubt that the comprehensive guide for parenting tips for dads can save you from big troubles. In

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angry boy due to parent scolding

What Are The Major Parenting Challenges?

Parenting challenges can wrack the kids’ childhood and your happy life if not dealt with on time. Still, no doubt

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parenting without punishment Asian parents teaching

Parenting Without Punishment: 8 Tips for Raising Happy and Confident Kids

Parenting without punishment – sounds like a challenging task, isn’t it? Well, today we will be talking about this very

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