How AI Can Teach and Support Kids in Writing
Education Things to do

Discover How AI is Transforming Children’s Writing Skills

Artificial Intelligence is dominating the majority of fields right now, and education is one of them. AI is now being used not only in higher education but also in the early education of kids. According to a survey by the National 4-H Council, a majority – 64% of teachers – say that AI will help students in their future goals as well as careers. 

Now the question here is – how AI will be helpful for children’s education. The answer is in every aspect from learning to writing. However, today in this blog post, we will only discuss how Artificial Intelligence can be a useful solution for teaching and supporting kids in writing better. 

So, without any further details, let’s get into the details.

Ways AI Can Aid Children in Better Writing

Remember, AI is just a technology or set of algorithms that only become active when integrated with advanced tools. So, the ways discussed below are in the context of advanced AI tools. 

It is recommended that teachers encourage kids to use Artificial Intelligence positively (just as an assistant). They should not solely rely on this technology, doing so can greatly hinder their learning capabilities instead of improving them.

AI for children's writing

1. Idea Generation to Tackle Writer’s Block

A writing block is a condition in which the person is not able to generate any useful ideas needed to continue the writing process. It is one of the most commonly faced issues when learning writing.

And do you know? Kids are more likely to get stuck in writing blocks. This is because they usually have limited knowledge. If multiple kids in the classroom get stuck in the writing block, then it may become difficult for a teacher to assist them with full attention and focus. 

But thanks to AI, now there are quick and interesting solutions available. Advanced tools such as Sentence Generator can efficiently help kids avoid writing blocks on behalf of the professors. Let us explain how.

The tool works to generate sentences (1,2, 5, 10, etc.) for the given topic or keyword. Each sentence will be completely different from the others but have the same meaning or intent. 

So, children can quickly review them, and get the ideas that are needed to continue the writing process.


To explain better, we have provided a topic to the sentence generator to see how it would create multiple sentence versions that can be used for idea generation. The results can be seen in the attachment below. 

Idea Generation to Tackle Writer’s Block

2. Vocabulary Building

Everyone knows that vocabulary is one of the most essential elements of writing. It is a collection of words and phrases that are used to efficiently convey the required message. 

So, to improve children’s writing abilities, teachers should regularly work on increasing their vocabulary bank. For this, professors should tell kids different stories and encourage them to carefully listen to the talks of elders, so that they can get familiar with new words and phrases. But this can become quite time-consuming and boring for the children…right? 

Fortunately, AI can also be a useful option here. These are several intelligent platforms can be found online such as It is a specialized website that will greatly assist teachers in enhancing the vocabulary of students. 

Kids just need to search for a word on this platform, and it will provide several synonyms for that word. Besides this, it will also provide a detailed history of the word, which will definitely increase children’s knowledge, and make them write better

One of the amazing things is that it also provides learning exercises that kids can take to gauge their vocabulary skills. 


We searched for “Great” on and the results it provided can be seen in the attached image below.

Vocabulary Building

3. Adaptation of Different Writing Styles

A good writer always has the potential to write information in different writing tones or styles such as simple, professional, academic, etc. The same applies to kids as well. Teachers should take the necessary steps for kids to master different writing styles from an early age. So, that, they can stand out as an expert in writing in the future. 

Guess what…? AI can be a highly useful option for teachers to expose children to different writing tones or styles. Tools like Rytr can be a great option for this. It is a writing assistance that has numerous useful features, but here we will only mention that it is capable of rewriting existing text in several tones/styles

So, teachers should help kids carefully review and understand how the tool has rewritten the text in their selected style. And then encourage the students to start practising the same approach. There will come a time when they will become a master of that writing style. 


We rewrote the introduction of this blog in a “Convincing” writing style/tone, and the result we got can be seen in the picture below.

Adaptation of Different Writing Styles


5. Personalized Learning

Personalized learning is an educational approach currently being used by teachers and institutions all around the globe. This approach specifically aims to customize the learning experience according to the strengths, capabilities, needs, and interests. 

With the help of AI, teachers can also teach and support children in writing better by offering them personalized learning experiences, which was not possible before. There are several advanced platforms available such as Redbird by McGraw Hills

It has the potential to efficiently cater to a wide range of writing needs for kids, let us explain how. The platform makes use of special adaptive AI technology that carefully monitors children’s potential for writing and then tailors the recommendations or exercises accordingly.   

Obviously, when kids are served with things that resonate with their strengths, they will be more likely to put in full effort, time, and dedication, ultimately leading to better writing skills.  


Since Redbird is not available for free, so we cannot show you its working mechanism. However, we are still attaching an image of its interface for your understanding. 

Personalized Learning


6. Instant and Continuous Feedback

Finally, instant and continuous feedback on kids’ writing can also enhance their skills. This is because, through feedback, they will determine in which areas they need improvement.

However, the issue, teachers may not be able to fully customize feedback to each student in the class on a regular. This way, the kid’s learning process may be affected. 

So, here AI will act as their tutor or proofreader. There are numerous tools available on the internet such as the Hemingway App. AI tools like this one will quickly analyze their given text for several issues such as hard or too many hard-to-read sentences, use of weak language, grammar issues, and many more. 

The good thing is, that the tool will highlight all the issues with different colours, making it easier for the children to take the necessary steps to fix the mistakes. 

Moreover, the tool also assigns a “Readability Grade” for the entered text. This further allows kids to have an idea about how good or bad their writing is.  


To explain better, we provided this entire blog to Hemingway to see what kind of issues it would highlight. Take a look at the picture below. 

Instant and Continuous Feedback


Final Words

Right now, writing has become a must-have skill for everyone. That’s why, it is recommended that teachers should start training the kids for better writing from an early age. For this, Artificial Intelligence can offer both parents and teachers great assistance. 

In this blog post, we have explained multiple ways through which AI can help teach and support children in learning writing. We are sure that you will find this blog helpful!

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